Who Are We?

It was founded in 2015 by Industrial Engineer Cüneyt TUNCİL, Chairman of the Board of Directors of our company, whose headquarters is in Ankara. 90% of our team consists of engineers. With the unique methods developed by our company, we produce original solutions that will enable businesses and institutions to use their import and export capacities in the most efficient way. Being aware that every business has special and different needs, we evaluate the appropriate import and export strategy together with your company and contribute to your transformation into an interesting role in the target market. After deciding together on the most suitable one for your company among the commercial intelligence and competitive analysis, export, import and business development, digital marketing, e-commerce, financial modeling and various in-house training services it offers, while you grow your volume, you will enjoy increasing your brand awareness and accessibility to your target audience.


In our country, the grant and incentive system is growing in scope and budget every day, and private sector, public and non-governmental organizations want to realize their planned projects with the most suitable support mechanism for them. Based on this need, the ASSİSTEM Engineering and Consultancy team (90% of whom are Engineers) has undertaken the mission of bringing together the grants and other support mechanisms offered by national and international institutions with the relevant applicants and has been carrying out project-based applications, preparing business plans and providing support to grantees since 2015. It carries out the entire project execution processes within itself. As a result of the effective and coordinated work of its expert staff and regional solution partners, Assistem Engineering and Consultancy has ensured the success of more than 200 projects today and played a leading role in the successful management of investments that will increase the competitive level of our country. With the projects in question; The most important motivation of Assistem Consulting is to ensure cooperation between the public sector, private sector and civil society relations, to ensure appropriate and effective growth, to accelerate regional development to support local growth, and to provide policy and contribution to reducing inter-regional and intra-regional development differences.

Assistem Consulting provides professional consultancy services regarding investments to improve the production of SMEs operating in a wide range from traditional manufacturing industry branches to high-tech sectors, infrastructure investments of public institutions and municipalities, and support for social investments of non-profit institutions. Our company, which has been involved in the processes from the preparation stage of the projects to their completion and the observation of their positive impact on the region, in investments of approximately 500 Million TL to date, continues its activities in more than 30 provinces in Turkey.

In 2018, in addition to our areas of activity, our company started its activities in import and export. It imports and exports many food products, mainly cocoa powder, cocoa butter, cocoa liquor, coconut powder, coconut oil and coconut milk.

Our company offers its customers the most effective solution with the motto "save time".

Phone Number

T: +90(312) 985 0246
F: +90(312) 220 5509
Work Hours

Monday - Friday | 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday - Sunday | Closed

Assistem Danışmanlık Mühendislik © Copyright 2018

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Assistem Mühendislik Danışmanlık

Assistem Mühendislik Danışmanlık